
aAa code: 516
Birth date: 04-04-2023
Eartag number: BE000320482953
Breeder: Renaat Devreese ’t Reigershof


Father: Reigershof Nino
Mother's father: Ashdene Meadowking
Grandmother's father: Reigershof Odin

GIC Index: 108

✓ Top production of the GIC ecological nucleus farm 't Reigershof. All mothers and grandmothers produce an average of 5 kg of milk per day or more.

✓ The mother "Reigershof Joeska 2217" has a fantastic exterior, especially her excellent udder. She produces an average of 5 kg of milk per day, but also combines this with excellent components, whereby her fat content of 4.98% is very striking.

✓ The father is none other than the full brother of one of the most famous goats in England “Ashdene Meadowqueen”.

Performance mother 

Kg milk/day: 5,3
Total lifetime production: 2054
% Fat: 4,89
% Protein: 3,22
Number of lactations: 2

Conformation mother

General: 90
Type: 91
Development: 90
Legs: 87
Udder: 92