Goat Breeding Organisation
World class genetics and an innovative breeding goal
That is the recipe for Goat Improvement Company, a dynamic and forward thinking company that has a passion to make a difference. Behind Goat Improvement Company are some of the world’s best dairy goat breeders, experienced researchers, breeding experts and professional distributors. At Goat Improvement Company we strongly believe in Balance Breeding. Our “Balance Breeding” breeding goal, is not only focused on production, but also on improving health, efficiency and sustainability. Our goats provide our customers a profitable farm, low health costs, high quality milk and require little attention. Goat Improvement Company provides dairy goat genetics with the highest health status all around the world.
Goat Improvement Company is your partner in goat breeding!
Our bucks improve the performance of your goats
Import and export of goats
The highest quality goats for your farm
Meet our farmers
- 19 May 2024
Huib Noordermeer
“Top conformation in combination with high components, that is the focus in my breeding.”
Lees meer - 18 May 2024
Renaat Devreese
“In my breeding I strictly select for natural disease resistance and high milk yield.”
Lees meer - 17 May 2024
Will Frost
“Because our company is large with 3,000 goats, my goats must be self-reliant and can be managed with little labor.”
Lees meer - 16 May 2024
Martin and Jan Walhout
“High components in combination with a beautiful exterior, that is our ideal goat.”
Lees meer - 19 September 2023
Harm en Ankie Van der Veen
“Longevity is very important in our breeding. 180 of our goats exceed a lifetime production of 10,000 kg of milk.”
Lees meer - 19 September 2023
Dr. Arkan Sanahmmed
“Despite the high temperatures in Kurdistan, my goats should be able to maintain a long persistent lactation without any problems.”
Lees meer - 19 September 2023
Mattijn en Anita Papen
“Functional animals with excellent udders and legs. That is the basis of our breeding.”
Lees meer - 19 September 2023
Walte en Willeke Veldman
“Dairy goats with a good character that produce milk mainly from grass.”
Lees meer - 19 September 2023
- 19 September 2023
Nejc Visnar
“The highest possible milk production from mainly hay in the mountains at an altitude of 1200 meters.”
Lees meer - 19 September 2023
Nick and Daisy Verstraelen
“Our goats achieve a high lifetime production with little attention.”
Lees meer - 19 September 2023
Peter en Anja Vogel
“Sustainable and efficient goats are important to build a future-proof company.”
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