Database since 2007

Goat Improvement Company is a collaboration of international goat farmers who have united in a worldwide unique breeding program.

At Goat Improvement Company we turn data of thousands of Saanen goats into the most accurate and reliable breeding values and Indexes.

We provide science-based goat genetic products and solutions for progressive goat dairy producers around the world.

Our passion at Goat Improvement Company is to help you as a farmer achieve your economic goals, farm sustainably and enjoy life.


Breeding for health and performance

Our breeding program produces GIC Saanen goats for commercial goat farming. We do this through a “balanced breeding” strategy. Farmers and other industry experts are committed to recording the performance of each GIC Saanen daily. We strive to provide extra added value and return for every goat farmer with the animals we breed.

Our database goes back to 2007. All this data allows us to offer you the most accurate and reliable breeding values. We continuously develop new breeding values together with Wageningen University in the Netherlands and research organizations with which you can accelerate and improve the genetic progress of your goats every generation.

Dutch Saanen genetics are the basis of the GIC Saanen. We combine this Dutch base with the best Saanen lines from different countries to create maximum heterosis.

GIC Saanen brochure

The GIC Index is about profitability

Recordings of more than 35,000 goats are in our breeding program. All this goats are part of health and milk data recording. All this data comes together in the GIC Index.

This GIC Index gives you a combination of economic traits such as udder health, efficiency, milk solids and longevity that increase the profitability of your farm. The GIC Index is a total net merit Index in which the weights of the traits are set in a way that maximizes the goat’s profitability.

One of the key traits in the GIC breeding program is a long persistent lactation. The lactation of our goats varies from two years to seven years. At farm level, this ensures a lower replacement rate, less labor and a stable year-round production. Because on the focus on this long persistent lactation, the standard GIC Indexes are calculated over an average lactation length of 730 days.

Whether you are based in Europe, Asia, Middle-East, North America or New Zealand, GIC genetics ensures genetic progress in your dairy goats. GIC Saanen are healthy, efficient and problem-free goats that produce high levels of milk and solids. They are the kind of trouble-free goats you love being around and don’t require too much of your attention.

How to read the GIC Indexes

Meet our farmers